Become a Sponsor

Who we are?

We are Osint Ambition and we are dedicated to providing high-quality content on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), offering our readers the latest tips, tricks, and insights in the industry. Over the past year, our newsletter has grown into a trusted source of information, followed by thousands of enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Why Sponsor Osint Ambition?

  • Reach a Targeted Audience: Our readers are passionate about OSINT and actively seek out the latest information and tools in the field. By sponsoring us, you will gain access to a highly engaged and targeted audience.

  • Industry Credibility: Being featured in OSINT Ambition aligns your brand with industry expertise and innovation. Our credibility and reputation can help bolster your brand’s authority and recognition in the OSINT community.

  • Engagement and Interaction: Our readers value the resources and insights we provide, resulting in high engagement rates. Sponsoring our newsletter ensures that your message will be seen and appreciated by a dedicated audience.

Our Previous Sponsors

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Sponsorship Opportunities

We offer several ways for your company to gain visibility and engage with our audience

  • Newsletter Sponsorship: Feature your brand in our newsletter, reaching thousands of subscribers directly in their inboxes. This includes:

    • A dedicated sponsor section in our newsletter.
    • Custom content featuring your product or service.
    • A call-to-action linking directly to your website or landing page.
  • Sponsored Blog Posts: BCollaborate with us on a detailed blog post published on our Medium page, discussing your product, service, or any relevant topic. This includes:

    • In-depth analysis and coverage of your offerings.
    • SEO-optimized content to increase visibility and search rankings.
    • Promotion across our social media channels.
  • Social Media Promotion: Gain additional exposure through our active social media channels. This includes:

    • Sponsored posts on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
    • Engagement campaigns to encourage interaction and shares.

How We Promote Our Sponsors

We offer several ways for your company to gain visibility and engage with our audience

  • Dedicated Email Features: Your brand will be highlighted in dedicated sections of our newsletter, ensuring visibility to our entire subscriber base.

  • Social Media Shoutouts: We will feature your company on our social media platforms, driving traffic and engagement.

  • Custom Content: We will work with you to create custom content that resonates with our audience and effectively promotes your brand.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with OSINT Ambition!